Juan Saavedra,乌拉圭蒙得维的亚部门蒙得维的亚开发者
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Juan Saavedra

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay
Toptal Member Since
February 7, 2022

Juan是一名软件工程师,对良好实践和编写干净、可扩展的代码充满热情. 他与多种技术栈和许多不同的客户合作过, enjoying the entire development process, 从需求分析到解决方案的实现和测试. 胡安总是试图用具有挑战性和令人兴奋的项目超越客户的期望.


Node.js、TypeScript、PostgreSQL、React、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Buildkite...
Codigo del Sur
Node.js, TypeScript, Express.js, MongoDB, Serverless Framework, Microservices...
HTML, JavaScript 6, CSS, Android, Kotlin, Bootstrap, JTest, API集成...




Preferred Environment

Windows, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我为一家名为The Wash House的美国公司开发了一个自助服务MVP系统,目前已经在30多家商店投入生产和运行.

Work Experience

Back-end Developer

2022 - PRESENT
  • 为相互关联的项目实现了几个后端和前端特性. Wrote functional, integration, and unit tests. Proposed libraries like bee-queue to handle async tasks. 从零开始创建cronjob、端点和前端页面.
  • 参与客户会议和技术会议. 一些任务包括需求分析、新解决方案的设计和bug分类. Also participated in Scrum methodology meetings.
  • 使用Datadog监视生产中的不同网站指标, Humio for logs, and Kubernetes to orchestrate the containers.
  • Worked on several projects, both back and front end. 深入了解业务逻辑,并通过提出安全性和性能修复方案为公司增加价值.
Technologies: Node.js、TypeScript、PostgreSQL、React、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Buildkite, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Humio, API Integration, JavaScript, GraphQL, TypeORM, CSS, Material UI, Redux, React Testing Library, Redis Queue, CI/CD Pipelines, Dependency Injection, Jest, Google Cloud, TypeGraphQL, Testing, MacOS, Unit Testing, APIs, SQL, NPM, Authentication, Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, GitHub

Senior Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2022
Codigo del Sur
  • 开发了一个应用程序,通过一个clean对拥有一百万用户的电影和电视节目进行排名, scalable, and efficient code using various technologies.
  • 为一家保险公司的无服务器搜索系统贡献了35人的大型开发团队.
  • 参加过多次后端技术会议和scrum会议. Presented on topics like concurrence in Node.js and discussed new features/sprint planning.
Technologies: Node.js, TypeScript, Express.js, MongoDB, Serverless Framework, Microservices, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Mocha, Chai, Redis, Joi, JavaScript 6, API Integration, React, Elasticsearch, Redis Queue, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs, CSS, Git, React Testing Library, Redux, Material UI, CI/CD Pipelines, Dependency Injection, Jest, NoSQL, TypeGraphQL, TypeORM, Testing, MacOS, Full-stack, Unit Testing, APIs, SQL, NPM, Authentication, JavaScript, Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, Serverless, GitHub, DigitalOcean

Senior Back-end Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed a solution in the field of mobile identity for the Government of Barbados; acted as the technical leader on a team of six developers together with the PM.
  • Held weekly meetings with the client and the PM, designing the architecture, functional cases, and technologies used for the back end. 提供需求分析和评估,冲刺计划和开发.
  • 与初级开发人员一起开发了一个网站,以注册新用户. We used Node.js、TypeScript、Express、React、PostgreSQL、CSS和HTML.
  • Developed the back ends of two apps (a mobile identity solution) with Java Spring and containerized with Docker and Docker Swarm; also deployed the solution and monitored it.
Technologies: HTML, JavaScript 6, CSS, Android, Kotlin, Bootstrap, JTest, API集成, React, Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Web MVC, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Dependency Injection, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Testing, MacOS, Full-stack, Unit Testing, APIs, SQL, NPM, Authentication, JavaScript, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, Java, Spring, GitHub

Technical Leader

2017 - 2020
Interactive Payment Systems
  • 作为一名自由技术负责人,为一家美国洗衣市场公司设计和开发自助服务MVP系统. The system is available at Heliosbyips.com.
  • Managed two developers and one tester as a technical leader; constantly communicated with the client, making requirement analyses, adding tasks to the backlog, planning the sprint, and thinking about and designing the product.
  • 负责开发一个WPF应用程序,该应用程序是客户端与系统的第一个接触点. 它有一个卡片分配器,一个账单接受器和一个NFC终端连接.
  • 在基于商店的数据可视化仪表板的构建中管理一个初级开发人员, user transactions, and device statuses. The front end was built with TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, and React.
  • 开发系统的API,这是不同设备(如洗衣机和烘干机)使用的核心组件. It was written in WPF with C#.NET.
  • Contributed to the client's 30 stores running in the system. 虽然很小,但它是一个复杂的系统,因为它连接了许多设备并报告数据. 它具有很强的可伸缩性和高性能,支持许多不同的客户机.
Technologies: MySQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bill Acceptor Integration, Near-field Communication (NFC), Team Leadership, API Integration, Node.js, TypeScript, React, HTML, CSS, Express.js, Material UI, Web MVC, CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon Aurora, Jest, NoSQL, Testing, Full-stack, Unit Testing, APIs, SQL, NPM, Authentication, JavaScript, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Startups, Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, Python, GitHub, Amazon EC2

Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2017
Systems X
  • Developed a web system for an American fintech company. 它是一个参数化的web系统,允许通过添加一个新的JSON配置文件在门户中创建新的客户端.
  • 建立了一个谷歌扩展搜索和颜色的网站上的条款. Technologies used include JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • 用Android、Kotlin和Java维护了几个月的移动应用程序.
Technologies: JavaScript 6, C#.NET, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, SQL, Android, API Integration, Web MVC, Google Cloud, Testing, Full-stack, Unit Testing, APIs, Authentication, WebSockets, JavaScript, Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, Java, Spring, GitHub

Junior Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2016
  • Developed a medium-sized system for a company in Uruguay. 这个想法是通过手机将新客户注册到一个平台上. 这是一个网络系统,在那个时候,响应式网站还不是很标准.
  • 为乌拉圭的一家金融科技公司建立了另一个中型系统. As in the previously presented project, 我做过从数据库到前端的全栈开发人员. 在经理的监督下从零开始开发这两个系统.
  • 学习如何与客户打交道,如何开发网络系统.
Technologies: JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Web MVC, Testing, Full-stack, Unit Testing, APIs, Authentication, WebSockets, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Databases, Java, GitHub


这是我自己开发的实验性RESTful API. 它揭示了RESTful API的核心概念:遵循RESTful原则, authentication with JWT, Express.js, Express.js中间件,数据验证,Prisma作为ORM, PostgreSQL数据库,以及许多其他概念.

Next.js blog with AI

This is a sample Next.js blog that:
• Covers the basic concepts of Next.js.
• It uses AI (Mistral AI) to recommend topics, tags, related posts, and more when creating a new post.

Next.js topics:
• Introduction to Next.js
• Link component
• Client-side navigation
• Assets, metadata, and CSS
• Pre-rendering and data fetching:
- SSR vs SSG
- Static generation with and without data
- getStaticProps
• Dynamic routes:
- getStaticPaths
- getStaticProps
- Render markdown

AI Topics:
• Uses the MistralAI API
• Suggest 10 topics for new posts. 使用简单的提示和技巧,如几次学习和角色扮演.
• Suggests 50 topics. Uses streams to show the result.
• Suggests related posts. Uses embeddings to calculate the distance between posts.
• Suggests tags and mailing lists to share the new post. Uses user content data.
2012 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Universidad de la Republica - Uruguay


First Certificate in English

University of Cambridge


Node.js Advanced Course



Node.js, React, REST api, React Testing Library, Chai, Redis Queue


Git, NPM, GitHub, Mocha, ChatGPT, Docker Swarm, Prisma, Terraform


Express.js, Jest, Redux, Bootstrap, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), AngularJS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), TypeGraphQL, Material UI, Spring, Serverless Framework, OAuth 2, Next.js


JavaScript 6, TypeScript, SQL, JavaScript, GraphQL, HTML, Java, c#.NET, CSS, Kotlin, Python




Windows, MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EC2, Android, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Buildkite, Kubernetes, DigitalOcean


Azure SQL Databases, Databases, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Amazon Aurora, NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


Software Development, Communication, API Integration, Web MVC, Full-stack, APIs, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Back-end Development, Front-end, Back-end, Data Engineering, Software Design, English, Near-field Communication (NFC), Bill Acceptor Integration, TypeORM, Authentication, WebSockets, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Prompt Engineering, Startups, Machine Learning, Joi, Leadership, Team Leadership, JTest, Humio, CI/CD Pipelines, SSG, Prompts, Streaming, Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo), Serverless

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